Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Jurassic Democracies

not exactly T-Rex, but close enough

The following is a new project called: Conversations From The Abyss. This is the first in a series of dialogues taking place at an undetermined point in earth's future, from the agrarian community of Nova Avalon, in the year 17 P.T.E.

Student: When did you recognize the root problem facing society in those days?

Teacher: It wasn't long before we discovered that our democracies had failed us. You must understand, voting for a politician is like giving matches to a child; eventually they're going to burn your house down, and ultimately, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself.

Student: So why did people participate?

Teacher: Pressure to participate had been so great. It was a meme implanted in us at a very young age; a byproduct of the trauma based mind-control that had resulted from the bloodshed of the first two world wars.

Student: What was the meme?

Teacher: We were being told that if we wanted freedom, we had to accept certain responsibilities. It was often said that it was one's 'civic duty' to vote, but does not one also have a responsibility, at some point, to say: "NO, I will not engage in the democratic process"? Without the freedom to decline one's participation, there can never be such thing as true freedom.

Student: ...but, didn't voting make one complicit with the corporatocracy?

Teacher: Absolutely! I can remember hearing this one often: "If you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain" ...but really, when you think about it, who wants to be a complainer? A complainer is someone who has foolishly conceded their power to another, but a critic, ah!… a critic is one who has retained their power, by never authorizing, nor participating in, the half-baked idealism of another.

Student: So what happened eventually?

Teacher: Voter participation in western democracies continued to drop as each decade passed. At one point, the mayor of my city had been elected by receiving a paltry 13% of the eligible vote.

Student: It's sad that people had become so apathetic... but it was the will of the majority, was it not?

Teacher: Tell me, how low does the voter turnout have to go before the democratic process becomes effectively invalid? At some point, one must concede that non-participation in the democratic process is not an indication of social apathy, but an actual endorsement of peaceful anarchy.

Student: 'Peaceful' sounds good, but wouldn't anarchy cause even more chaos?

Teacher: There's only ever two types of people who stand in the way of humanity achieving peaceful anarchy: those who feel obliged to rule, and those followers who feel obliged to do their bidding… fortunately for us, most of them have now emigrated to the martian colonies, and have brought with them the seeds of their own destruction.

Student: Couldn't you have had a more limited government?

Teacher: Governments will always seek to gain more power, and never cease to grow. Our governments had become the teeth for the insatiable and rapacious appetite of the corporatocracy. We eventually realized that the democratic voting process was akin to making dentures for a Tyrannosaurus Rex, without which, the beast would be unable to devour the delectable souls of millions of it's indentured servants.

Student: Are you speaking in metaphors?

Teacher: Of course! If you can imagine a Tyrannosaurus Rex without teeth: well, that's the corporatocracy. 

Imagine now the millions of voters comprising the electorate making dentures for this giant lizard:  et voila!  there you have the voting process.

Now imagine the prothesis itself, placed in the gaping mouths of our prehistoric predator: that's government; a tool whose sole function is to facilitate the monster's ability to masticate we tiny little morsels, and devour us all.

Student: So it's better to starve the T-Rex to death?

Teacher: Heavens no, I don't have a problem with T-Rex, it has a right to survive, just so long as it remains toothless... and by keeping it that way, WE can then learn to control IT, and by extension, use it's great might to serve our individual needs and desires, instead of the needs and desires of it's pea sized reptilian brain.

Student: So what you're saying is: man and beast can actually live side by side!?

Teacher: For a while at least, but remember, even the dinosaurs had their inevitable rendezvous with destiny.

The Dirty One         Village 5, Nova Avalon.   Year 17 P.T.E.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fata Morgana

Like a tantalizing mirage hovering on the horizon, promises of a new technological 'golden age' remained just that, promises. No matter what we had seemed to do to try and fix our broken world, we always wound up digging ourselves deeper and deeper, sinking mercilessly into the quicksand with every tug and struggle we had made to be free. 

We were reaping all the consequences of that which we had sowed. As we tried in vain to mitigate the negative effects of our unconscious actions, we would invariably offend yet another cardinal law of reality we had chosen to be blind to. Promises of Hope were appearing as a Fata Morgana, luring us with her hint of promise, then slapping us back, the moment we dared.

We had received intervention prior to our inevitable rendezvous with destiny, back in February of 2013 a massive meteor was vaporized over Chelyabinsk Russia, by the same enigmatic force that had eventually issued to us our ultimatum. This cosmic force had managed to disperse the potentially destructive energy temporally, by creating a micro-vortex, so that much of the kinetic energy from the meteor's explosion could flow backward in time, protecting vast stretches of our planet, and millions of lives from annihilation.

Much of the energy from that tremendous blast had been redirected to the Tunguska region of Northern Siberia, back into the year 1908. This temporal splitting had been a necessary measure, in order to avert what would have been our species premature reintroduction back into the 'Stone Age'.

Force is energy, and when harnessed properly, it can perform miracles. Using it to do so requires great wisdom, but withholding it's use requires even greater strength, a strength found only in spirit.

Do you remember the story of Jackie Robinson, the first African American man to ever play Major league Baseball? 

He was put to the test by an unimaginably ingrained racist mindset that had existed in America in the mid-twentieth century. His ability to withhold reacting to his tormentors, whilst containing his rage, required far more strength than it would have taken to beat the head in of any of his antagonizers. But he did this for a greater good, by not reacting, he held the mirror of truth up to his nation's unacknowledged ugliness, and helped forge a long path toward a collective healing. 

So too, good men and women were challenged greatly in those years leading up to our inevitable rendezvous with destiny. To speak the truth, which had run counter to the materialistic narrative which dominated your time period, required feats of great strength and courage.

Many average people were, at that time, having incredible yet unprovable spiritual experiences. Their transformative entanglements with synchronicity and serendipity had nurtured their energetic and intuitive abilities, the result of which had been rapidly creating a schism between them, and those dwelling in a more mundane existence. 

Back in your day, in that time we now refer to as the great forgetting, If you had have asked me what I did for a living, you had essentially been asking: what it is I did to earn money, feed myself, and put a roof over my head. 

Ask anyone here in Nova Avalon the same question today, and you will get a very different response. 

These days, to ask what one actually does for a living, is to ask: What is your purpose in life? In your day, I used to earn money by painting and plastering homes... but what is it I do in life now? Now, I am a 'Time Traveller', but not really from the future; I was born in 1964.

I travel through time on behalf of 'Her'. I'm not employed by any government, or agency... I do this all for her. 

My method of travel is very simple. I work with causality, vibration, synchronicity and serendipity. I allow the universal truths to flow into my attention not a moment too soon, nor a moment too late. By having a plan, but not remaining attached to it, I allow the universe to unfold as it should; actively seeking, yet simultaneously surrendering.

This is the way I live, as the path is laid out before me. I am able to report back on our present day from the future, because I'm reporting back from a logical future, which is the spiritual separation about to occur as a result of too much dualistic thinking, and our collective refusal to address causality. 

Mine is a tale for those who will accept the challenge of abandoning the old paradigm, and unpalatable for those who have chosen to cling to it desperately.

King Arthur once sailed with the enchantress Morgan La Fay to the island of Avalon. He sought refuge in the garden to recover from his wounds of the soul sustained whilst defeating Mordred. 

We too defeated Mordred in essence, when those who could not let go of their outdated paradigm, picked up and blasted off to form the Martian Colonies. 

Much of the problems humanity had created for itself had come from our inability to properly communicate our feelings, due mostly to our lack of self-knowledge. 

Our arrested development had been a simple effect of all the dazzle supplied by our materialistic culture. If we had only spent a little more time and effort sincerely attempting to figure out who the hell we were, and what it was we actually wanted in life, we could have possibly averted our inevitable rendezvous with destiny... but as the story goes, that was simply not 'meant to be'.

Now, we have named our village Nova Avalon, after that western island of apples in Arthurian lore. 

Avalon was once ruled by a Matriarch of nine sisters, most notably of which was the enchantress Morgan Le Fay; also known as Fata Morgana

Avalon, it was said, had also been the land in which the sword Excalibur was said to have been forged... and as I write these journals to you, my friends, I have indeed found my Excalibur. It is found within the power of the written word, which has always been said to be mightier than that of any sword.

Future CT        Village 5, Nova Avalon.             Year 17 P.T.E.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Duelling Dualists and the Alchemy of Laughter (part 2)

Ecce Homo, Ecce Mono?

By the time the month of April had rolled around, back in the year 2013, in that time we now refer to as the great forgetting, tragic world events had been building with great intensity. The Powers That Had Been were amping up their opportunistic agenda, by using terror as a ruse to increase the powers of the security state.

Enter: Fear
The marathon bombings had created much sadness and fear among those humans still possessing a soul, and The Powers That Had Been were not deaf to the populace's vengeful cries for swift justice. Those running the show continued to use our tax money unabated, by funding their defence contractor buddies who were given the responsibility of protecting us from all those evil terrorists and assorted bad folks who were usually associated with anti-social organizations once funded and trained by our own intelligence organizations to fight rival governments in distant and foreign lands (talk about the snake eating it's own tail).

When one factored in that these horrendous bombings had taken place amid some extremely tight security measures (by both public and 'private' contractors), most people were oblivious to the fact that the governments of their respective nations had either been conducting or supporting illegal activities (like drone warfare) and killing many more innocent civilians than they had been killing the supposed 'bad guys'. 

Most of those clued-out consumers purchasing their brand new pair of $284 running shoes (made exclusively by really low-wage earners in the third world) seemed oblivious or uncaring of this slavery imperative. Consequently, for every 'bad guy' the 'good guys' seemed to kill, the 'bad guys' always seemed to increase their nasty ranks by nudging moderates into extremism.

Our foreign policies were not actually defending ours or anybody else's freedoms (as we had often been told), instead our freedoms were being methodically stripped away to serve the paranoid fears of The Powers That Had Been, elitists who sensed the impending encroachment of their dreaded Monster from the Id.

Enter: Causality
We all just wanted to live in a happier and safer world, but we were seldom in agreement. There had been so many varying opinions on the nature of causality to come to any proper consensus. Essentially, we were a species divided and polarized, mostly by those self-appointed leaders ruling our hierarchy, and demagogues who had chosen to exploit tragic events to promote their wretched idealism and self-exaltation. 

Causality was often argued, but rarely seriously debated in the corporate media of your day. Those who had profited greatly by social discord had little interest in understanding causality anyway, let alone hope that anyone else would take the time to figure it out. Perhaps they feared that, if fully understood, the roots of, and the abetting of terrorism, would point in an uncomfortable direction... perhaps they feared deep down, that all roads did in fact lead to Rome. 

So, in order to fully understand causality, and finally break the cycle of senseless violence, one thing we had to realize was a true understanding of what Knowledge, and motivation really were, AND were they things which could even be tested scientifically?

Motivation was obvious, it came from a sense of powerlessness and desperation. Knowledge however needn't be verifiable in order for it to be true. We experience the colour blue, yet nobody could ever hope to describe what it looks like to a blind man. We experience love, yet the best we can ever do, to prove it's existence to someone incapable of this emotion, is by performing actions that only suggest it is real.

...and it's of this truth in which the enemies of humanity chose to remain blind.

Enter: Science
Those who had put all their faith in scientific orthodoxy, by conforming to it's strict guidelines, had really missed out in the end, and sadly, it was their loss alone. They had lived and died incomplete and ignorant of the full spectrum of the human experience... and all for what, social acceptance, and their tribal need to belong, as rulers and tyrants in a ghetto of fools?  

Science is the way we understand the material world, so any information which challenges it must in the very least be entertained. Even if a given claim turns out to be an outrageous falsehood, it could always leave humanity with some valuable new insights by default.  It's for this reason that I stress the importance of ensuring that scientific inquiry be accepting and adaptable to the murkier aspects of reality, and if one's pejorative for this inquiry is called: pseudo-science, then so be it.

Those who had put all their faith in Science were in for a rude awakening though, and would soon take themselves a front row seat to witness their karmic comeuppance. These people had arrogantly assumed they were the cream of the crop, the brightest and most sophisticated of intellectuals; savants who had it 'all figured out'. But they were blind to the fact they were ignorant, inflexible, and intolerant, acting as isolated interns in their intellectual ghetto.

Science, combined with political Atheism, were fast becoming close bedfellows, yet had been consistently undermined by the capricious whims of human frailty. 

Some evolutionary biologist at Oxford University in England (the chap's name escapes me at the moment), had even once encouraged his cultish admirers to practice a militant brand of Atheism. The wise among us knew that the word 'militant', combined with any belief/non-belief system, had rarely mixed well in human affairs. Atheism had become the religion of Statists, and designed to rob the debased masses of their last true weapon of autonomous power: 'Belief'.... that enigmatic intangible component which had given individuals the super-human capacity to seemingly overcome all odds, defying logic, and asserting one's natural right to claim their personal sovereignty against those who wished to rule over them.

Enter: Gender
Fear had ruled supreme in that time before our inevitable rendezvous with destiny, and it had created a nasty schism even among the two sexes, by forcing us to assume unnatural gender roles which demanded the male to be too sexually pro-active, while the female had been encouraged to be far too passive. This imbalance encouraged men to develop the embarrassing psychosis of over-objectification of the female, often manifesting it's dark and ugly self in many horrific ways.

Since objectification was not a cardinal sin among men, inappropriately made sexual comments toward the opposite sex had rarely come from a position of disrespect (as many feminists of your day had claimed). Instead these harassments were coming from a position of desperation; a desperation to 'connect' with the infuriatingly passive female of your era.

Men separate (and still do) their respect for women from their desire to have intercourse with them. Men generally don't muddy courtship and mating rituals by intertwining sexual attraction with respect for one's person... that is until they are ready to get married.

Any woman who became too offended by these clumsy flirtations, come-ons, and other inappropriate comments, was living in anger, and allowed the unconscious actions of the offender to live 'rent free' in her own mind. So women and men took the next step together.

Realizing that anger destroys the quality of one's life, we had to develop an alchemical mechanism to transmute this painful weight into the lightness of joy... and we succeeded!

Enter: Laughter
The way we ultimately overcame anger was by using the magic of humour, and by surrendering ourselves to the deterministically slow changing forces of our natural programming. 

As a personal Anarchist, I would often become infuriated to see how people seemed oblivious to the fact that government was not only unnecessary, but actually responsible for most of the atrocities committed throughout the ages.  Yet I chose not to be angry, I spoke my mind knowing full well how unlikely it was that I'd ever witness a peaceful anarchistic state in my lifetime. 

So how did we do it? How did we transmute such anger into joy by using humour? The best example I can give you is by looking at the image I've attached to this journal. 

Once upon a time, an 80 year old amateur artist had taken it upon herself to restore an obscure decaying fresco by Elias Garcia Martinez called: Ecce Homo... obviously the woman botched the thing, BIG TIME!  Despite her desecration of a minor masterpiece; in the wake of this artistic tragedy and horror, we soon realized that we actually preferred the new botched version over the original, simply because it had performed for us a great miracle (and still does to this day). The miracle of which I speak had done something the original could never hope to do... and that is: It made us laugh!

Yes, we had botched civilization too, and BIG TIME, but what we inherited in the end was a joy far greater than anything one could ever imagine.

Future CT     Village 5,   Nova Avalon.          Year 17 P.T.E.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Power Sharing and Mating Advice from the Future

Not another 'video post'

A truly powerful person never covets the power of another, therefore one's only criteria in selecting a mate should simply be: another's looks and personality.

Any person who must factor in another's income, job, or status, as being important criteria for mating, is not entitled to all the benefits of power, and should never be respected as a true equal.

This is what I believe is at the root of powerlessness experienced by many women in society, which has allowed many of them to develop, over thousands or millions of years, a general reactive disposition of fear, by becoming walking and talking biological "No" machines.

Being physically weaker than the male, the female traditionally remained in the village, while the men went hunting and gathering. Women developed keen domestic skills such as cooking and sewing and child rearing, meanwhile men formed social systems designed to maximize and manage the valuable resources they had obtained, and to meet the materialistic and maternal demands of their female partners. 

Since women are 'the gatekeepers of sex', men have traditionally done whatever they must in order to please and appease the female, securing their unlimited access to the fairer sex. 

If women truly wanted social power, they would need simply give sexual favours to men of lower status (such as the homeless, janitors, painters and garbage collectors). If they did this, the alpha-males running banking, military and corporations, would promptly drop their weapons of mass destruction, exchanging them for brooms, boxes and paint brushes... but no.

Now, as women have moved up the hierarchical structure of power in western society, they have moved into positions once occupied exclusively by men. This displacement of higher income earning males has led to a situation where a disproportionate amount of females at the top of the hierarchy have been left partnerless. Those men still at the top of the pyramid have no problem finding suitable women, since a woman's social-status or income usually does not factor greatly into most men's decision making processes. 

Since most women are generally predisposed to hypergamy, and a man's social-status is inter-linked with most women's sexual desires, many high-earning women simply do not have a large enough pool of desirable men available at the top of the pyramid in which to chose from. 

This gaping chasm has left many women with the misconception that there simply aren't enough available men to go around. But the truth is: there are plenty of single guys available, they're hanging out online, in bars, on construction sites, working in warehouses here in the west or in vast quantities in distant lands like China or India… 

Oh, and there's always heaps of desperadoes squandering their money at strip clubs and on smutty pornography, wishing they could, perhaps someday, have access to the real thing.

We men must constantly face rejection from women, but adaptation to this rejection is what makes one stronger, so strong in fact, that perhaps it's what has helped contribute to making men the natural leaders and rulers of this world. 

Happily and refreshingly, women are now sharing the privileges of social power and equality, yet how many women are fully prepared to assume all the uncomfortable responsibilities associated with the sharing of power, especially as power relates to the courting and mating process?

How many women are directly approaching men for companionship in bars, on the street, and in cafes? How many are pinching our bums, whistling at us on the street corner, or grabbing themselves a handful or two of our warm and meaty package? 

How many love songs have been written by women for men? There's been countless love songs written by men for virtually every woman's name, yet how many love songs have been written about men's names by women? The only song that comes to mind is "You're So Vain" by Carly Simon, and that's hardly a love song. In fact any other song I can think of always identifies the man as being somewhat of a jerk, probably because those desired guys at the top of the pyramid tend to be somewhat self-centred and controlling. 

How many women, really, have ever even attempted to make the first 'direct' move on a man, and to those women who have, ask yourself how often, and how much status and/or money did those multitudes of men you approached have?

I've had many women show interest in me using indirect means, usually by getting a friend to tell me that they're 'interested', but these are not the methods of a powerful person, so it stands to reason that these people deserve none of the benefits associated with power sharing. Women, or men for that matter, who use indirect methods to attract the attention of the opposite sex are actually admitting to their innate powerlessness, and are by their very nature submissive, despite any protests they may make to the contrary.

The fear many men experience when approaching a desired women stems straight from this programmed female subconscious fear, which I identify as the very source of all male approach anxiety. 

This nerve racking mind-fuck called 'approach anxiety' does not actually come from men however, guys are merely picking up a signal emanating from most women who are oblivious to the fact they are acting out and transmitting their subconscious fears with every indirect word they utter, and ambiguous move they make.

Here's a mating equation for guys to think about when approaching women: 
your desire + your self-confidence + your action = desirable
your desire + your fear + your hesitation = creepy

Women want strong men, so when a woman is acting ambivalently or passively with regards to the courting and mating process, she is basically saying: she wants YOU to pursue HER...

but WHY?

ANSWER: She wants to be desired, to be loved, she wants to see your passion, because your passion excites her. In fact, many sexually ambivalent women would rather choose an aggressive lesbian over a passive male, simply because, for them, in the sexual realm, desire, self-confidence, and passion are forces  > gender preference.

Now of course there's nothing wrong with any of this, but simply knowing that a man is the one who is pursuing her, also gives the woman the power she may feel she lacks, because now she knows she's in a leveraged position to use the man's desire for her as a means to obtain and control the resources that she may want from him.

Future CT         Village 5,  Nova Avalon.          Year 17 P.T.E.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Duelling Dualists and The Alchemy of Laughter (part 1)

Monkey think, Monkey do

We have done away with dualism here in our humble agrarian community of Nova Avalon. We have developed a dynamic collective spirituality which fuses Gnosticism and Agnosticism, achieved of course, with much help from our inevitable rendezvous with destiny.  

We recognized that Theism and Atheism were both belief based systems, the former said: "I believe", whilst the latter said: "I don't believe".  Gnosticism and Agnosticism were knowledge based, the former saying: "I know", whilst the latter says: "I don't know".  

So to understand these four positions, one must first understand the difference between Belief and Knowledge. Knowledge is based in experience. If someone tells you a joke, and you laugh, or you step on a piece of Lego and experience pain, then you have knowledge. You can communicate what you know to another, but for them, it will always remain a belief, that is until they one day experience the same thing you have.

The Theists were honest enough with themselves about what their position was. They recognized that Faith/Belief are at the core of their theology. The Atheists were somewhat confused though, they claimed to be anti-belief, but to say one doesn't believe is itself a belief. 

There are only TWO dual positions, either you Believe, or you Know... OR you Don't Believe/Don't Know. One cannot say: "There is no God", because God cannot be proven nor disproven. If God does not exist, nobody could ever hope to prove it, one needs evidence to do that, and without evidence one cannot provide proof for or against any position. 

For those who know, no proof is needed, because they have experience. But if God is a Verb, and not a Noun as we're usually told, we can never prove it's existence other than to observe all the miraculous splendour of the energetic universe.

For someone who claims to have been abducted by aliens, they have knowledge of their experience. Their claim of abduction is either true or it's a lie. If they are lying, then they have have knowledge that they are lying. If they are being truthful, then they have knowledge gained from their experience.

Of course the question then becomes: What did they experience? They may believe they were abducted by aliens, but they may also have been abducted by spirits or fairies. Their enigmatic encounters may have been with the souls of the dead, or inter-dimensional beings. 

Their experience could be akin to psychedelic phenomenon, like those who've taken Ayahuasca journeys, or smoked DMT. However, for many abductees, they have had actual 'implants' removed from their bodies. 

If the Grays take you aboard their mothership and whisk you to Zeta-Retculi to visit their home planet, partake in their cultural activity of sipping Andromedan-Brandy under the Zimbo Tree, whilst watching a bluish white binary sunset, then you have knowledge. But for everybody else, yours will forever remain 'just another story', until one day the Grays whisk them away and do the same.

Most belief systems are just a reaction to the negative space created by it's ideological counterpart. Since we are culturally programmed to be very positive minded, we usually only notice the benefits of certain things before we notice it's nasty consequences. A beautiful woman can be very appealing to a horny man, but her shortcomings are rarely seen once the man's hormones begin to robotically control his 'thought processes'. 

Socialism once seemed like a great idea; it proposed to distribute the wealth equally, thus creating a fair system for all. The downside was:  it gave way too much power to an unconscious body called government, whilst giving a disproportionate amount of regulatory power to a handful of idealistic individuals. It took incentive away from those who wished to exceed the limitations imposed on them. 

Capitalism had once looked great too, because it gave the individual the incentive to exceed... that is until it began to perpetuate a positive feedback loop, which manifested as wealth consolidation among the financial elite, devolving our societies rapidly into the evil clutches of Corporatism, and later: Neo-Feudalism. 

Fortunately for our species, there was a reconciling force, reconciling these irreconcilable dualistic differences; It was, and is: Laughter... a magical property I will expand upon in my next journal entry.

Future CT     Village 5,   Nova Avalon.          Year 17 P.T.E.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Once Upon A Coin Drop

Financial lies had always been popular in your day, for they had allowed one to sleep easier at night, once all the medication and meditation had finally worn off

The lies coming out of the mouths of The Powers That Had Been, back in the spring of 2013, had become a 'chorus of booze', drunk on power, inebriated, and intoxicated enough to vaporize any surmounting dread associated with the upcoming financial collapse. 

And it wasn't long after that infamous banking implosion in Cypress, that things really started to get out of hand.

Confidence in european banks had rapidly plummeted to an all-time low. Many Russians were pissed-off, because they had used the Cypriot banks as a safe haven for their 'investments', and if history had proven one thing, pissing-off Russians was never a good idea. 

That half-baked crew running the European Union Experiment kept telling us that 'everything was under control', and that the euro-crisis was 'over'. But 'over' in America, hadn't The Powers That Had Been babbled similar nonsense right before the stock market crash of 2008?

Whenever those in power, or in politics, had said that 'everything was under control', you could always be certain it wasn't. In those days, we usually didn't elect leaders who openly declared that they hadn't a fucking clue what the hell was going on.

One promising phenomenon that was beginning to gain momentum during the monetary maelstrom of your day, was an obscure electronic currency called: Bitcoin. 

Note: Interestingly, it's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, was reported to be one of the first people aboard those early migratory ships heading to establish the Martian Colonies, in those painful but tender years shortly after our inevitable rendezvous with destiny.

Bitcoin was beginning to look more and more like an attractive prospect, as people began to lose faith in traditional currencies of exchange.

Leading up to the quixotic lancing of the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble, there had been a mad rush into alternative currencies like Bitcoin, which was thought to have been a safe haven hedge against the volatile and turbo-turbulent money market of your era. 

It also became a very "anti-establishment thang", if you 'had it in' for the Banksters, Bitcoin had appeared to be the perfect way to stick it to 'em good, whilst flipping them the digital 'bird' in the process.

The only problem was: for Bitcoin to properly function as designed, we needed a stable and functioning world economy, in order to guarantee the infrastructure necessary to maintain the usefulness of a currency like Bitcoin. But the collapse had been so utterly profound, so beyond scope and hope, that the capital being poured into Bitcoin was only hastening to collapse the pillars of an economy that had once allowed Bitcoin to flourish. 

What people failed to understand was: how quickly Bitcoin would become absolutely worthless, in comparison to say, the common potato. 

Certainly, one could not eat a Bitcoin... and at least if you had some gold, it could always be used to fill a few nasty cavities, or decorate one's eternal tomb, but Bitcoin?… my goodness!

Oh, and it also wouldn't be long before the religious zealots would put the ultimate kibosh on the whole thing anyway, once they had finally pegged Bitcoin as being the "currency of the Anti-Christ", designed by the Devil himself no doubt, in order to force humanity to accept a microchip implant in their right hand or forehead…yada, yada, yada.

So that momentary monetary anomaly, that currency formerly known as Bitcoin, had soon become extinct, swallowed by the void created by that vacuum we once called the global economy, and exorcized forever, courtesy of the good graces of America's fundamentalist wackjobs. 

If I remember correctly…didn't they also come up with a way of taking the letters from Satoshi Nakamoto's name to create the number 666, or something like that, or am I confusing it with something else? 

Here in Nova Avalon, we don't think much about those kinds of things anymore.

Future CT        Village 5,   Nova Avalon.    Year 17 P.T.E.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Natural Way

We got ourselves a big dump of snow here in Nova Avalon, and although it's a bit of a mild inconvenience, it's not nearly the obstacle it had once been back in your day, in that time we now refer to as the great forgetting.  

In those wretched days of yore, when a big system slammed you, you'd try as best as possible to maintain the frenetic pace dictated to you by modern western culture. 

People would franticly shovel their cars out of snow banks, wheels spinning, with a determination similar to the way a rat rotates it's wheel for that yummy pellet of food. All this was done in order to make it to 'work', in order to pay the mortgage, and in order to meet the monthly dues on one's soul-destroying self-phone.

Like a rodent in it's cage endlessly spinning it's wheel of fortune, it was madness 2.0... yet most were blind to it.  And since nature had consistently refused to cooperate with our increasingly 'important' lives, it had become an obstacle to overcome, even at times 'hate', or as something which was simply 'in the way' and in need of being conquered. 

There was, and is, another way though; the natural way... a path in harmony with the simple divinity of uncontrollable circumstance. 

Surrendering oneself to 'what is' allows for lower stress levels, thus reducing slave killing spectres like stroke and heart disease, and that now obsolete ailment formerly known as cancer. By living according to the natural way, circumstances which had once been viewed as being 'obstacles', had now become guides, opening up a new path, and politely escorting us to a saner way of living.

When a storm would hit, unless it had been a devastating one, most people would try to live at the same cadence they had been living before the storm, desperately trying to fit their square peg into the round hole, but since this was a virtual exercise in futility, the stress levels acquired from coping with one of nature's curve-balls would always render the masses somewhat grumpier.

But the natural way was, and is, the only way. It's a surrender to those tremendous and sacred forces beyond our technological control, and a recognition that we are better served by maintaining a cadence in harmony with nature's whims, than in accordance with our many capricious earthly desires.  

Ultimately, it was Nature that decided which days would be the holidays, or the 'Holy-Days', and not some arbitrary consumer driven cultural tradition imposed by the centralized coercive hierarchy perpetuating our dominator culture.

Once it finally clicked within the hearts and minds of humanity, within that mystical twilight realm shortly after our inevitable rendezvous with destiny, only then did humanity begin to live according to the one true path, surrendered to the guiding and loving forces of the natural way.

Future CT    Village 5,  Nova Avalon.          Year 17 P.T.E.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pomegranate Wisdom-ism

Worst fruit ever! or is it?  The greater portion of a pomegranate is comprised of skin, pulp and seeds, yet it's nourishing juices within contain some mega-potent super anti-oxidants that makes the whole laborious experience worthwhile, I suppose.   

It eventually dawned on the greater potion of humanity, that there were droplets of truth and goodness to be found everywhere, in everyone, and every 'Way'.

It can be unwise to dismiss everything another says simply because they may be speaking other patently absurd falsehoods.
Would it be wise to disregard all the opinions and revelations of someone who actually believed that the British royal family had been no less than a race of shape-shifting reptilians?  

I use the metaphor of the pomegranate to emphasize the goodness that may be derived from ideas contained within various religions and philosophies, and which can be safely consumed for one's spiritual benefit, without ever having to ingest the indigestible.

Like the tedious process of eating a pomegranate, we here in Nova Avalon have learned to discard most of the useless indigestible pulp of the "isms" that dominated your woeful epoch, which has now come to be known as: the great forgetting.

We learned that most of the "isms" of your day (pick one, any one) were merely reactive mechanisms evolved to reconcile the corrupting and destructive influences of whatever dominant "isms" had been the precedent. 

The "isms" of your day were merely philosophical fetishisms, self-indulgences for one's mind borne from the culture of blame. And of course things went horribly wrong whenever people chose to politicize their pet "isms" for what they had narcissistically believed to be a 'greater good'.

Alas, all those "isms" eventually came to be known for what they are: 'Religions', because all "isms" are ultimately belief based;  their epistemologies deeply founded in their confirmation bias. Those who adhered to their pet "isms" would observe most of the facts, ask most of the questions, and then make the ghastly error of daring to come up with 'solutions' based on what they believed to have been 'sound logic'.

However, what really transformed the "isms" of your day into 'religions' was mostly due to an incomplete analysis of ALL the variables involved while forming their epistemologies. To propose how one, or all, should engage the world based on an incomplete model of reality had always led to unforeseen social and personal consequences. 

Belief is not Knowledge, and any ideal or system not modelled with Nature in mind always causes the 'gears to grid' after a period of time.

Many a left-brainiac Idealist type had elected themselves as the leaders of their beloved "isms", and usually with much pomp and circumstance. However, the word we now use for those kind-a-folks is: 'Socio-pathos', or simply put: those who (due to a disconnect from their holistic contextual right-brain and/or lack of an inner emotional dialogue) are unable to empathize with another's emotional perspective and needs. 

Fortunately for us, most of those left-braniac Idealist types 'left us', and booked themselves one-way tickets to the Martian Colonies, not long after our inevitable rendezvous with destiny.

Yet despite all the dysfunction and havoc wreaked upon humanity by our "ism" Idealists and their adoring minions, much of what they had preached is still considered to be somewhat valuable, if only apophatically... just so long as one is mindful enough not to ever swallow the pomegranate flavoured 'Kool-Aid'.

In most systems, and beliefs, we can always find some good, if not great, aspects that set the stage for a better understanding and transformation… just like the vital nutrients contained within the juices of that otherwise USELESS fruit, the pomegranate.

Future CT      Village 5,   Nova Avalon.        Year 17 P.T.E.