Sunday, April 20, 2014

Slaves R-Us

What’s the difference between a slave and a free man?
A slave is one who must act as he does; A slave is a being without the luxury of free choice, he must always choose the lesser of all evils, otherwise face the harsh alternative. He must pick the cotton of political liberalism, or endure a harsh lashing from the tongue of a conservative whip.

Teacher: We used to have a great religion in the beforetime, in that time we now refer to as the great forgetting.

Student: Let me guess: Catholicism?


Uh, Judaism??

*more laughter*


Teacher: That was an anti-religion; not believing something is just another form of belief... but that’s for another lesson, no Grasshopper, you’re way off.

The great religion of that time we now refer to as the great forgetting was the religion of Authority, usually gift-wrapped in a cartoonish political sham we once called democracy.

Student: Wasn’t the purpose of democracy to make manifest the will of the majority?

Teacher: Well… In theory, I suppose.

No, Democracy was a system of thinly veiled slavery, which enabled wealthy Oligarchs to rule the masses in what had appeared, to an unconscious mind at least, as being a fair system.

The democratic voting process encouraged people to surrender their political power to a self-serving collective, who were usually led by a handful of idealistic individuals, who in turn would pass restrictive laws, borrow ficticious money from corrupt banksters, with compound interest, in order to remove ever more personal freedoms from the general population; thus consolidating it for the benefit of their wealthy sponsors.

Student: But if the people voted... were they not getting exactly what they had wanted?

Teacher: Not what they wanted... what they deserved!

People had the unshakeable belief that without a benevolent, or even a malevolent authority governing, civilization would descend into chaotic anarchy.

Student: But we have anarchy here in Nova Avalon, and it works just fine.

Teacher: Yes, but that’s because you have experiential knowledge of how anarchy works, and the essential personal responsibility that's required.

We achieved peaceful Anarchy via our brief transition through a clumsy form of Libertarianism... which had turned out to be kind of like going from accounting to lion taming… via, say: banking.


But all Pythonic references aside, those poor sods had no such template during that time, only their childish fears.

Instead, people chose to be governed by a surrogate parental control system, because they couldn’t imagine, or trust themselves, let alone others, to behave like the evolved and loving human beings nature intended them to be.

Student: And that’s why they chose slavery?

Teacher: Basically, yes!


So, even if only a minority of people had actually voted for any individual or party, if that party had held a majority of seats, they would act as if they were somehow the will of the people... which is absurd!

Student: My goodness!

Teacher: As things began to devolve economically, and systemic corruption had been exposed as being too deeply intertwined within the corporate state, people rapidly lost faith in the voting process altogether.

But before then, people would often vehemently defend their perceived obligation to vote with propagandized mantras like : "It’s my civic duty", or "If you don’t vote, then you don’t have the right to complain"… and other such nonsense.

Student: It’s hard to believe that people had been so brainwashed... What allowed that to happen?

Teacher: Unprecedented wealth and prosperity, and the constant comparison of our society, within the presstitute media, to worse governments in other lands, was very persuasive.

We were expected to be grateful for the benevolence of our democratic process, for fear that our society could devolve into a monstrous totalitarian dictatorship, or chaotic mob-rule, like the ones that used to rule in the more cartoonish nation states, like North Korea, or Somalia.

Student: Ah, yes, fear of a greater evil was used to support a lesser evil here at home.

Teacher: People usually chose the lesser of two or three evils; they had been deeply traumatized by generations of statist culture, and as a result, behaved more like herded cattle than the highly evolved creatures that they were naturally intended to be.

If one didn’t vote for the friendly face of fascism, in those days, one risked endorsing an even worse monster. And those who refused to exercise their 'right to vote', were often looked upon as being somewhat irresponsible, or apathetic even, which was often not true.

Student: So how did people ever expect any real change, always voting for and choosing the lesser of all evils?

Teacher: The skilled campaign managers, image consultants, and propaganda ministers, peddled quaint notions like hope and change; billing their candidate as being a saner version of their corrupt predecessor. Of course they fulfilled little to none of their election promises, whilst preceding to pass repressive laws which they never would’ve dared suggest during their election campaigns.

*looks of sadness, bewilderment, confusion*

...and don't forget that those 'so-called leaders' who'd been elected weren’t actually in control either; they had merely been paid-for corporate puppets: owned punks doing the bidding of their wealthy elite corporate masters: Detached elitists who were often nothing more than psychopaths seeking to control the populace by keeping one step ahead of the curve, so to speak, despite the natural evolutionary process of flux and change.

Student: I find it hard to believe that people couldn’t recognize the sham they were involved in for what it was.

Teacher: Never underestimate the human capacity for denial, Grasshopper.

The hidden desire to outsource one’s personal responsibility to an authority figure was embedded deep within the collective unconscious child mind.

And even though the people could see military spending escalate, and see war rackets unabated, witness a financial system loosely based on elaborate Ponzi schemes, endure a massive imbalance between the uber-rich and destitute poor, the wealth of the first world, and the slavery of the third world, they continued to lie to themselves; continued to pretend.

Student: What lies had they told themselves?

Teacher: They told themselves falsehoods like: "Well, the world wasn’t perfect", blamed everything on 'human nature', not culture, and yet somehow managed to believe, beyond the most basic logic, that everything would be ‘all right'.

Student: Oddly enough though, everything did turn out 'all right'… in the end.

Teacher: In the end, Yes it did… but that wasn’t 'till after that harrowing experience we’ve come to have known as: our inevitable rendezvous with destiny.

The Dirty One         Village 5, Nova Avalon.           Year 17 P.T.E.

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